September 16, 2020


When I first met David, he owned a sporty convertible and an old pick-up truck…this is a perfect image to represent the span of his interests and abilities. He is fun and outgoing, yet extremely handy and never shies away from a project. 

As a well-loved and much respected high-school teacher and administrator, it is pretty difficult for our family to go anyplace in town without David getting a shout-out from a student, current or former. David shines as a public speaker and often preaches in area churches and leads study trips to Israel. 

David is a loving and generous husband and father. He is optimistic, creative, and faithful. As a dad, David models and teaches new skills and ideas with patience and gentleness, he affirms the uniqueness he sees in each child and is consistent and fair when we are working through behavior challenges. Parenting with him is a gift!

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Suite 220
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