
October 15, 2020

Our Family

Family is one of the most important things to us, and we are happy that both sides of our family live close and we can share so many memories together. Our immediate family includes us, our three kids, and our dog. We are a very tight-knit family, and we strive to spend time together each and every day. One of the most important things we do every day is sit down for dinner and talk about our day.  

Our extended family is also very dear to us. We try to see both sides of our family at least once a month, and the grandparents are all glad to be a part of their grandkids’ lives. We have also built a community with our church friends, that have become very close as we have raised our children. We have had many play dates and socials, both with kids and without, that have allowed us to grow beautiful relationships that will last for a lifetime. 

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3951 N. Meridian Street,
Suite 220
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208