
June 9, 2021

June 9th, 2021

Today, I applied for an outdoor art event that will take place in September.  It is called the Market of the Macabre, and its held in the Laurel Hill Cemetary, in Philadelphia.  I have put my artistic side in the background, but it really gave me a great feeling to apply and submit my work, hoping and crossing my fingers that I get selected.  Mike loves to come along with me to set up the tent, and unpack the car, but I’m the one who arranges the art and stuff for sale.  Its really great that he comes along with me, I’m the artist, but him coming lets me know that he supports me in what I love to do.  Its also a great time for him to have an opportunity to promote me, support me and be able to talk to people and explain what I’m doing in my art.  The attendees ususally come dressed in costumes relating to the theme of the market.  It is a fun time for all.  People of all ages are in attendance.  And this would be something that I would love to share with our little one. 

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Suite 220
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