Farris & I decided we wanted to get a pair of glider rocking chairs for
when we get to bring our baby home. We looked online and noticed that most new
ones were pretty expensive, like $200-$400. Anyway, we decided that was a bit
more than we were thinking and decided to start checking the Goodwill and
Deseret Industries. We basically started looking for some used ones. The
following Saturday I stopped at the DI and walked around the whole store. I
almost gave up but at the last row of furniture I saw it. There was a solid wood
gliding rocking chair with a dark blue cushion for $15. Now I have to admit it
was quite dusty, but I could imagine how awesome it could be. Once I brought it
home, I washed the cushions and dusted the wood. Wow it looks brand new. Then
five days later Farris & I randomly stopped at the DI again and we found
another solid wood glider with a foot stool for $20. It was in brand new shape and comfy. Farris
tightened a few screws and now while we wait for our baby we practice our rocking.
Thanks for reading ~ Tara