Kristen And Andrew

August 18, 2020

School teaching thoughts

August 17

Another day. Another challenging Monday, but for different reasons than one may think. Our county has completely changed its main use of technology during a pandemic… during the first virtual nine weeks, meaning we will learn it as the kids learn it: completely remotely. I sighed. I struggled. And at 3:05, I did something I had vowed to do this year: I left work at work, and raced home to my kids, my boys. The school day was left at the school day, and I wanted to show them the money I wasted on more stuffed animals and cars that will eventually end up in the give away pile. I also started the day differently. Yes, it was with prayer, but this time I just prayed, like always for my family, thanking God they are mine, and they are safe, and as I rounded the corner of my adoption prayer, I prayed instead if we have a birth mother, that we have a good relationship, that she chooses us because she knows immediately that her child would be home. I also prayed that she and I would bond, that our child would know he or she has two mothers who loved him or her enough to provide a life maybe at this time she could not, and one that loved her and him or her enough to seek that relationship out, openly. I prayed for the birth mothers who didn’t choose us, those who decided to parent and put their most loved possessions willingly into another’s arms. These are all things I have prayed before, but the if, the if makes them difference. No one can tell us why or how or when, but mainly a person cannot say it will, and the “if” is the  difference because it changes my attitude. Will I be perfect? Heck no. Will I continue to ask why and possibly mourn when it does not happen? Sure. But the if, the if is what I can alter because my attitude can determine my perspective and if I do not if, and only “will,” I definitely will miss out on my boys, my potential avenues of faith and joy and that 3:05 time that pushes me home every day, reminding me to leave the past where it lies and race toward the future.

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