
November 13, 2020

About Us

We met in college during an orientation visit and developed a friendship that would become 5 years of dating and 13 years of marriage. As best friends, we have experienced many adventures together such as buying our first home, traveling to new locations, serving our community, and raising our three children. Our marriage is built on our faith and trust in God and as a family we strive to love people the way He first loved us.

Mark works as a Physical Education and Health teacher and head coach of two sports at our high school and Amanda is a stay-at-home mom who has also taught Pre-school part-time. We love being involved in our community, serving at our church, exploring and adventuring outdoors, staying active (whether inside or out), and getting together with our families.

We feel that intentional, quality time with Lincoln, Reese, and Evalyn is extremely important. Together as a family we read, have dance parties, ride bikes, play games and sports, explore our community, and always find time to sit down to eat meals together and talk about our day. We hug and kiss our children every day, sing them songs, tuck them into bed, and make sure they know how much we love them and God loves them. We can’t wait to give this same love to another child!

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3951 N. Meridian Street,
Suite 220
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208