Sarah And Ben

October 7, 2020


Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile and getting to know us. We hope it has given you a view into our lives and shown you the love that we have to share with a child.

We have so much respect for your decision to consider adoption for this child. Becoming parents has always been on our hearts, and without women like yourself, that would never become a reality, so thank you. We are excited to open our hearts, our home, our family, and community to a child through adoption.

We plan to love in abundance and unconditionally when welcoming this child into our family. They will be given every opportunity in life to become a healthy and loving human being and pursue their dreams in life. It is most important that they will always be reminded of who they are, where they came from and the love that their birth mom had for them. 

Having an open adoption is something we feel strongly about, as we believe it is essential for this child’s well being and yours. We imagine that this must be a difficult decision to make and we want you to feel at peace with your decision. 

We pray for the best in your journey through this time as you make the decisions for what is best for you and your child. You will continue to be in our prayers and we hope to meet you someday soon!

Love, Ben and Sara

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Suite 220
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208