
October 8, 2020

Our Story

David first noticed Brandy at a Singles Ice Cream Social. Brandy stood out like a bright ray of sunshine among the many people there, carrying herself so confidently. David finally got the courage to talk to her while at a mutual friend’s birthday party and asked her for her phone number and a first date.

On our first date, we got breakfast at a local diner in the city, and then went on a scooter ride to the beach where we played and talked for hours. There was a feeling between us like we were best friends who hadn’t seen each other in a long time. Our relationship began as a friendship that grew into a deep love.

After David graduated from dental school, he joined the Navy and was directly shipped off to the East Coast for an Officer Boot Camp. It was then he realized it was time to ask this girl to marry him. David came to see Brandy right after Officer Graduation and popped the question. Our engagement is another story, but needless to say, it was a surprise. Now looking back, as we’ve spent these past years together, we feel so lucky and grateful to be together and pursue life alongside one another.

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3951 N. Meridian Street,
Suite 220
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208