Kristen And Andrew

August 17, 2020

Nine years strong

June 25, 2020

The way that I know I like a person is that we experience what I call the “genuine laugh.” I have heard it from my sister. It’s what made me connect to my little DZ sister ( although she giggles at everything, “Hey Maryam), and it creates an openness with my students. But my favorite genuine laugh is the one I can achieve from my husband, Drew. Yes he has to give the obligatory giggle, even if it is not humorous, but his sincere laugh is what everyone should crave from his or her significant other. I receive his genuine laugh not just when I am funny ( sometimes it happens), but when life is ironic or painful, or chaotic. And while I wait  and desire for the laugh, we have also experienced the” genuine cry,” and while it is not my favorite, it is necessary because you cannot plan for the hurt your spouse will feel, but you can choose to  feel it, like our first miscarriage also five years today, and like hearing the song, “Let it be,” as we went to the hospital over our second. From the miscarriages to the failed adoptions, from AJ to waiting for a hopeful third, we have had just as many genuine laughs as we have had cries, and every tear and giggle, every moment he has been my best friend, and continued to choose us, chose our boys. I am so thankful I was his only choice nine years ago, but I am more thankful I am his only choice now. Thank you for the laughter and tears, boo. Here’s to twenty more. #happyanniversary #nineyearsstrong

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